Digital image processing is the process of manipulating digital photos using a computer. It is an area of signals and systems that focuses on visuals in particular. DIP focuses on the development of a computer system capable of image processing. The system takes a digital image as an input and processes it using efficient algorithms to produce an image as an output. Adobe Photoshop is the most common example. It is one of the most extensively used applications for digital image processing.
This is how it works.
In the illustration above, a picture was acquired by a camera and transmitted to a digital system to remove all other information and focus solely on the water drop by zooming it in such a way that the image quality is maintained.
This lesson will teach you how to read digital photographs for image improvement and restoration, as well as how to execute operations on images like cropping (blurring , zooming , sharpening , edge detection , e.t.c). It also concentrates on gaining a better grasp of how the human eye functions. How does the human eye see so many things, and how does the brain process those images? The course also goes through some of the most fundamental signal and system principles, such as (Sampling , Quantization , Convolution , Frequency domain analysis e.t.c).
Systems and signals
Because DIP is a subfield of signals and systems, it would be advantageous if you already have some signal and systems expertise, but it is not required. However, you must understand the fundamentals of digital electronics.
Signal processing is a branch of electrical engineering and mathematics concerned with the analysis and processing of analogue and digital signals, as well as signal storage, filtering, and other processes. Transmission signals, sound or voice signals, image signals, and other signals, among others, are examples of these signals.
Out of all of these signals, image processing is the field that deals with the types of signals where the input is an image and the output is also an image. It deals with image processing, as the name implies.
Analog image processing and digital image processing are two types of image processing.
Processing of analogue images
Analog signals are used in analogue image processing. It involves two-dimensional analogue signal processing. The visuals are modified by electrical means by altering the electrical signal in this form of processing. The image on television is a common example.
With the passage of time, digital image processing has surpassed analogue image processing due to its broader range of uses.
Image processing in digital format
The development of a digital system that conducts operations on a digital image is the subject of digital image processing.